VUMC Natural Language Processing Support Services Core

Overview of Services

Natural Language Processing Support Services Core (NLPSSC)
Providing services and development in support of the implementation and use of NLP for research and operational projects.  We currently offer the following services:

Corpus Preparation
Clinical notes available from existing EHRs can often have multiple artifacts because of their source, formatting, storage constraints, etc.  NLPSSC can help extract a corpus based on a cohort definition or other criteria for downstream use.

Model Development and Tuning
Feature development and/or construction of parametric or non-parametric machine learning and deep learning models for NLP pipelines or inclusion in other methods.

Method Execution and Reporting
Management of execution of tools or pre-defined methods against a corpus within a Windows or Linux environment.

Data Science and Analytics
Algorithm development, data analytics, visualizations, and reporting as up- and down-stream activities around implementation of an NLP pipeline or method.

Pipeline and Interface Development
Development service to provide effort in construction of one or more parts of an NLP pipeline as well as support interaction with NLP methods in a broad range of tool and method development.

Methods Collaboration
Participating in design and implementation of novel methods and tools to support research within NLP.


Please feel free to contact us at with any questions about how we can help with your project.



FY25 Rates


Rate Unit



Data Science and Analytics

1 hour



Methods Collaboration

1 hour



Pipeline and Interface Development

1 hour



Corpus Preparation

1 hour



Method Execution and Reporting

1 hour






Faculty Director: Dr. Josh Smith

NLP Faculty: Dr. Ruth Reeves

Director of Operations: Dax M. Westerman


Billing Number Activation

 VUMC Investigators with VUMC center numbers:
  All VUMC billing numbers are activated in iLab via a nightly feed from Workday. Grant Worktags are auto-assigned to the PI's lab group. All other funds (Cost Centers, Gift or Program Worktags) must be claimed within the PI's Lab Group.
 VU Investigators with VU CoA or POET numbers:
  VU users will manage the VU billing numbers via the webform on the VUMC Office of Research website
 Vanderbilt Investigators with VA (Veteran Affairs) funding: 
  Contact the VUMC Office of Research at to request access to your VA funding.  All investigators with VA funding are assigned a VA billing number (999999xxxx). The VUMC Office of Research manages VA billing numbers in coordination with the VA Research Administration.