IA-VUMC Rat Metabolic Physiology Core (RMPC)

Overview of Services

The Metabolic Physiology Shared Resource (MPSR) (Kevin Niswender, MD, Ph.D., Director) assists investigators wishing to address hypotheses related to diabetes and metabolism.  The Rat Metabolic Physiology Core (RMPC) is a section of the MPSR that provides novel techniques to better understand specifically rat models of diabetes and its complications. 


The RMPC offers a variety of services including: 

Chronic artery &/or vein cannulation
Chronic ileal vein cannulation
Chronic portal vein cannulation
Insulin clamps
Pancreatic clamps
and more...


Our Goals

  • broaden the scope of techniques available to investigators
  • standardize key methodologies
  • expedite the completion of research


*The Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Metabolic Physiology Shared Resource Core (MPSR) is supported by Diabetes Research Training Center (DRTC) NIH grant DK020593. Please acknowledge this in your publications*






Kevin Niswender, MD, PhD, Core Director

Tiffany Farmer, MS, Lab Manager

Alisa Escue, Core Administrator


Contact Us: kevin.niswender@vumc.org  OR   t.farmer@vumc.org

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location
8 am - 4 pm, Monday - Friday     

807 LH

Links and Resources

  1. https://www.vumc.org/mpsr

Services & Rates

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Procedures - Surgery (6)
Procedures - Study (6)
Personnel Time (2)
Analysis (1)
Supplies - Animals (1)