IA - VUMC Clinical Trials Office (CTO)

Overview of Services

The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) provides services to assist Cancer Center investigators in developing, activating and completing scientifically meritorious clinical trials in an efficient, cost-effective and technically sound manner. The CTO provides services to assist investigators with:

  • Protocol development
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Study start-up
  • Data management
  • Research nursing
  • Auditing
  • Patient accrual through the V-ISTA program




 Debra Wujcik, PhD, RN, FAAN 
 Director, VICC Clinical Trials Shared Resource

 Bj Broome, B.S., CCRP
 Assistant Director, Clinical Trials Office - Regulatory

For general assistance, please contact Bj Broome at Barbara.J.Broome@vanderbilt.edu


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

 691 Preston Research Building

Links and Resources



Billing Number Activation

 VUMC Investigators with VUMC center numbers:
  All VUMC billing numbers are activated in iLab via a nightly feed from Workday. Grant Worktags are auto-assigned to the PI's lab group. All other funds (Cost Centers, Gift or Program Worktags) must be claimed within the PI's Lab Group.
 VU Investigators with VU CoA or POET numbers:
  VU users will manage the VU billing numbers via the webform on the VUMC Office of Research website
 Vanderbilt Investigators with VA (Veteran Affairs) funding: 
  Contact the VUMC Office of Research at VUMCcores@vumc.org to request access to your VA funding.  All investigators with VA funding are assigned a VA billing number (999999xxxx). The VUMC Office of Research manages VA billing numbers in coordination with the VA Research Administration.