VUMC Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Core (FCSR)

Overview of Services

We offer state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise to take your research to the next level. Offering various services including cell sorting, multi-color analysis, instrument training, and panel design assistance. Recent upgrades allow analytical experiments up to 30 fluorochromes simultaneously and sorting capabilities range from 6-way soring to single cell sorting into 96 and 384 well plates. Our facility can ensure quality control of all instrumentation to obtain the best results for our research scientists and physicians. Please feel free to contact any of our staff members with questions regarding scheduling needs and flow cytometry research, methods, and fees. 


It is critically important that the Flow Cytometry Core be acknowledged in publications to demonstrate to the NIH that the funding they support us with is being utilized as intended.

Please remember this when submitting publications and use the following text to acknowledge the Flow Cytometry Core:

 "Flow Cytometry experiments were performed in the Vanderbilt Flow Cytometry Shared Resource. The Vanderbilt Flow Cytometry Shared Resource is supported by the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center (P30 CA068485) and the Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Research Center (DK058404)"

Please remember to cite the usage of the Cytek Aurora Cell Sorter with the following statement:

"This work was supported by grant 1S10OD034336-01 for a Cytek Aurora CS Cell Sorter, housed in the Vanderbilt Flow Cytometry Shared Resource."

Data Management Policy

The VUMC Flow Cytometry Shared Resource and associated entities reserve the right to delete or otherwise destroy data 30 days post-creation. The resource user assumes all responsibility for data transfer and subsequent data archiving at the time of data acquisition. Data transfers must occur within the time limitations of their scheduled appointments except for the following situations:

  • If an FCSR staff member operates the program during an “assisted reservation”
  • If a reservation is stopped before the scheduled time limit at the request of a VUMC staff member

If the resource user is unable to transfer their data within the confines of their reservation, an additional reservation must be made to accommodate the data transfer from the instrument workstation within 30 days of data acquisition. All data transfers initiated via VUMC personnel will be in the raw FCS 3.0 format unless otherwise requested. VUMC archives will be in the encrypted BDFACSDiva or SpectraFlo original file formats for the duration of 30 days to preserve gating information. PDF file transfers are available upon request.


All data transfers must be done via an FCSR-approved source. Currently approved sources are:

  • OneDrive for Business
  • SharePoint
  • FCSR servers
  • Dropbox
  • Cytobank

No other means of data transfer are permissible without the consent from FCSR staff.


In the event that the instrument workstations lose access to the internet, Portable data storage devices such as external drives, flash drives etc. will be used.


Portable data storage devices such as external drives, flash drives etc. must be completely erased immediately prior to their usage. The FCSR has purchased flash drive erasers to accommodate this process. Low capacity flash drives are available to be purchased from the FCSR. The cost of the flash drive will be added on to the reservation as a line item within the iLab reservation. No other means of data transfer are permissible on the following instruments without the consent from FCSR staff: BD Fortessas (3 and 5 laser), BD FACSAriaIIIs (Biobubble, Baker, BSL2+).


The Cytek instruments have workstations that are or will be compliant with the new VUMC policies. Server transfers will be permissible once IT has signed off on our cyber security efforts. Users will have their own login credentials to access our server for data transfer.



Leadership And Staff

Eric Skaar, Scientific Director

Scott Hiebert, Scientific Director

David K Flaherty, Managing Director


Laboratory Phone Number: 615.343.8323

Brittany Matlock, Scientific Coordinator of a Shared Resource Facility


Laboratory Phone Number: 615.343.8323

Olivia Murfield, Core Research Assistant II


Laboratory Phone Number: 615.343.8323

Emma McLaughlin, Core Research Assistant I


Laboratory Phone Number: 615.343.8323


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday                  

9 am- 5:30 pm 

Medical Building North

1161 21st Ave South

T-0101 MCN

Nashville, TN 37232

Links and Resources

For an in-depth breakdown of our services and instrumentation, please visit our website with the link below.


Billing Number Activation

 VUMC Investigators with VUMC center numbers:
  All VUMC billing numbers are activated in iLab via a nightly feed from Workday. Grant Worktags are auto-assigned to the PI's lab group. All other funds (Cost Centers, Gift or Program Worktags) must be claimed within the PI's Lab Group.
 VU Investigators with VU CoA or POET numbers:
  VU users will manage the VU billing numbers via the webform on the VUMC Office of Research website
 Vanderbilt Investigators with VA (Veteran Affairs) funding: 
  Contact the VUMC Office of Research at to request access to your VA funding.  All investigators with VA funding are assigned a VA billing number (999999xxxx). The VUMC Office of Research manages VA billing numbers in coordination with the VA Research Administration.


Available Equipment and Resources

Analytical Cytometer System (6)
Cell Sorters (4)
Core Calendars (1)